
ICT Solutions

Data Center Preparation

Data Centre Preparation Be it any business you are in, you will be always leveraging information and communication technology. This requires communication networking solutions installed for the organization. So, it is inevitable that data centers need to be prepared and implemented in house. Organizations need to make sure that the servers, service level, data and […]
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Fiber Optics Network

Fibre Optics Network Communication industry has seen tremendous revolution across decades, and it has been on an up-surging track. So, it becomes inevitable for the service and solutions provider to be up to date with the latest developments and inventions in technology. One such invention is Fiber Optics Network which has revolutionized telecommunications industry. System […]
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Structured Cabling

Structured Cabling The cables are like roads for the vast chunk of data that travel through them in any network. The roads are as important as the things that travel through them. Our valuable customers rely on those data for daily day to day activities which are highly essential for their business. The data are […]
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Data Networking

Data Networking Data networking solutions is provided to our customers as part of the ICT solutions in System Security Solutions or 3S. Data networking refers to a collection of interconnected systems of communication. It is designed to meet the current and future requirements of the customers. From video conferencing, carrier services, traditional telephony with computing […]
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Advanced Wireless Solutions

Advance Wireless Solutions In today’s world (be it personal or at organizational level), mobility is a great necessity. There is a demanding need that users be mobile while maintaining the communication facilities intact. System Security Solutions (3S) has a lot to offer in the area of advanced wireless solutions. We provide enhanced data infrastructure offering […]
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IP Telephony

IP Telephony IP telephony as the name suggests is a telephonic or voice solution over the Internet protocol which means voice communication over an internet. System Security Solutions or 3S has expertise in this with its vast experience of numerous years. The term IP telephony is often interchangeable with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). IP […]
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IP Communications

IP Communications In today’s world, there has been an unprecedented revolution when it comes to communication over the last few decades. IP communications is right up there when we talk about communication between computers over a network where set of rules are followed. IP stands for Internet Protocol where Protocol means set of rules. So, […]
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